Humans’ wounds can be healed faster and are easy to heal too but what about all the wounds man has caused to the mother earth, to the planet, and its atmosphere. It is way off easy to heal all these puncher wounds man has gifted the earth.
Just how long the trauma inside your brain lasts forever and takes more than a lifetime to heal nature is the same. The damage which took decades for man to cause might not be easy to heal it might need more than a century to heal.
Despite all the measures taken to reduce pollution, emission it has become very difficult to reduce any pollution at all. Even the covid-19 lockdown failed to fully control the pollution.
Every day there is one new vehicle entering the road or a new factory or hotel setting up which all contributes point by point to the depletion of the ozone layer.
The development of the modern world is severely damaging the earth’s shield-ozone layer.
No electric vehicle or planting tree is doing the magic unless everybody starts stepping up before it’s too late.
September 16 is observed as international ozone day by the United Nations General Assembly.
Since 1994, the United Nations General Assembly has recognized September 16 as International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. In 1995, the nations of the world drafted the Montreal Protocol.
The theme for 2021 World Ozone Day is- Montreal Protocol – “Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.”

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The ozone layer extends 11–40 km above the Earth’s surface in the stratosphere. Protecting us from the Sun and the extreme ultraviolet or UV rays that are emitted from the sun and which fall on the earth but due to the protection layer-ozone earth has survived gleefully with this armor shielding us from the harmful rays and particles from the space. But the gradual depletion of the layer can cause severe harm to the planet.
Chlorofluorocarbon- CFC is one of the main greenhouse gases which is responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer as well as the drastic climate change. Refrigerator, Air condition, aerosol, packaging materials contain CFC.
If you think tanning due to UV rays is a very much skin problem wait until you see what and all problems the direct sun rays can do- Direct sun rays are very harmful to the skin causing skin cancer incidence million. Moreover, the threat of flooding is imminent.
Such an armor to earth is being severely damaged in the South Pole than the other poles. Researchers are conducting extensive research in this area to find a remedy to stop the depletion and help for the ozone layer to construct back gradually.

The level of ozone layer damage in the southern part of the hemisphere (New Zealand) is calculated every year between August and November.
- The temperature effect on the general condition resolves to continue the decline in December.
- Chlorofluorocarbon seriously disrupting chemicals (fridges, flights,) prohibit almost 197 countries. However, it was not implemented in full, due to the damage of the ozone is caused by the other pollutants.
- According to the monitoring examination of this year (2021), 75 percent of the ozone layer was Damaged! Which was earlier said to be just 25 percent.
- Considering the current rapid rate of depletion, it might take just a couple of decades for the layer to completely wear out.
- 24 million square kilometers was cracked down by 2020. Which is three times bigger in the United States of America.
- By 2060-2065 the ozone layer can be completely destroyed if not every individual takes action to change their habits and to preserve the environment directly or indirectly every small act contributes to the depletion and reconstruction of the ozone layer.
- Using eco-friendly products- be it clothes, food, or packaging.
- Buying and using CFC free appliances-fridge, lights, AC will be a major contribution to rebuild the ozone layer.
- One major point to remember is to Reduce.Reuse.Recycle.
Every single decision you take can majorly contribute to environmental protection.
Unless you change your habits; We cant save our ecosystem!