World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has warned that the Covid-19 pandemic not being over yet.
Despite the fact that 780 million people in the world have been vaccinated so far. He believes it will take a long time to conquer the pandemic.
However, he said it had been proven for some time that covid-19 can be controlled to a certain extent by proper measures. He also added that the vaccine is not the only powerful weapon in the fight against covid-19.
The coronavirus can be kept at bay by following physical distance, wearing masks, washing hands, and tracking and treating those infected with the coronavirus.
He said coronavirus cases had been declining for almost 6 consecutive weeks in January and February, but the seventh week there has suddenly seen a boom of cases in various countries around the world.
It is also seen that the number of deaths has been rising since the last four weeks.

He said there was an increase in cases in many parts of Asia and Central Asia countries.
Covid-19 is not only affecting old people or adults but is targeting the younger generation as well.
Those will cold and fever are warned not to dismiss it carelessly but to get tested immediately.
WHO believes that if people follow the covid-19 guidelines strictly and if the vaccination pace is fastened then there could be a chance of curbing the coronavirus within 6 months.
The coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China in 2019 and has so far infected over 136,500,400 people and killed more than 2,944,500 people worldwide.
Also Read: India records the highest number of coronavirus cases in a single day