The World Health Organization (WHO) has responded to a warning by researchers that the bats in South Africa may be infected with the deadly NeoCov virus.
Wuhan Labs scientists say more research is needed on this new type of coronavirus. Wuhan researchers have discovered that bats have a NeoCov, but is the virus a threat to humans? The WHO says more research is needed to find out.
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Scientists fear that NeoCov will become more of a headache for people who are already struggling with delta and omicron variants. That’s because the virus poses a potential threat to humans in the future, according to a study by researchers. Variants of the coronavirus are related to the virus that causes diseases ranging from the common cold to Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Wuhan Lab scientists have warned that the recent outbreak of the NeoCov virus in South Africa could be a sign of rapid spread as well as a high mortality rate.
One out of every three infected people is said to die in the case of NeoCov. However, a study by strategic scientists has shown that the virus poses a risk of transmission from animals to humans due to a mutation. Researchers say that there is a risk of infecting humans as fast as SARSCOV-2. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Wuhan in collaboration with the Institute of Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was published in Bio Archaeo. However, this study has not yet been peer-reviewed.