The heritage university Vishwa Bharati has witnessed vandalism and rampage on Monday, August 17. Around 4000 local crowds mobbed-up to protest against the boundary wall construction for fencing the Mela ground.
As per the sources, the University authorities have come to a decision to construct a boundary wall as fencing to mark the Mela ground boundary of the university campus. This decision was not well accepted by the local people and university students. This ignited the agitation to demolish the construction of the boundary wall along the Mela ground.
Vishwa Bharati Turning the Curtains Down of Poush Mela was the Ongoing Rage
On July 6, the Vishwa Bharati authorities took the first hefty decision of calling off the 125-years old Poush Mela of Shantiniketan. Amid scuffle with the traders of the Poush Mela from the past two years to comply with National Green Tribunal (NGT) guidelines, the Vishwa Bharati came up with the emergency decision to put an end to the event.
It was from the year 1951 when Vishwa Bharati took charge of organizing the festival of Poush Mela. Poush Mela used to be held on the Viswa Bharati Mela ground for more than centuries now, but the authorities decided to scrap this event from this year due to the university being not well-equipped to handle such grand event.
The Vice-Chancellor of Vishwa Bharati, Prof. Bidyut Chakraborty stated the people who are serving the university throughout the year, are forbidden to enter the campus. The campus becomes inaccessible to them completely during the event period. Not only this, but they also need to pay for all the expenses and be just a silent spectator to the event. The authorities also pulled up the violation of environmental rules and guidelines, charging the Mela organizers not cleaning and clearing the land on time making it very difficult for the university authorities to manage.
The Age-Old Legacy of Poush Mela in Vishwa Bharati

The Poush Mela was first organized in 1894, by Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, father of the legend Rabindranath Tagore as a legacy to showcase the culture and talent of Bengal. The Poush Mela has its own historical and traditional importance, running from the past 125 years. Its glory has crossed borders to exhibit the culture and tradition of Bengal. Poush Mela, the winter festival of Bengal showcases the indescribable talent of Bengal on handicrafts, handlooms, music, art, plays, and whatnot. This festival encourages the local people of Birbhum and other districts of Bengal to showcase their talent and skills and earn from them. It starts in the Bengali month called ‘Poush’ which is at the end of December and is visited by thousands of people not only from the state but from outside the country as well. Many ex-students and ex-staff of the university revisit this place during this time to revive their alma matters. Vishwa Bharati Mela ground host other festivals like Basanta Utsav during Holi, and Chitro Utsav during Christmas. Thus inviting a large number of people thereby raising concern on the ecological vulnerability of the heritage place.
NGT Verdict on Construction of Boundary Wall
As per the verdict made by the National Green Tribunal on November 1, 2017, a barricade should be made to demarcate the Mela ground as an individual body from the University and the locality. Abiding by this verdict the university authorities decided to erect a boundary wall along the ground to separate it from the common area and the university campus.
With this subdued ongoing tiff between the university authority and the local traders, the start of the construction of the boundary wall along the Mela ground to separate it as a single body ignited the mass to rampage the construction. This construction of the boundary wall is meant to restrict the outsiders to enter the campus which angered the local traders. Around 4000 people crowded together to protest against this construction destroying many properties of the university including one of the gates of Vishwa Bharati built outside the ground. The construction worker was tossed completely and the temporary camp office was also demolished.
As per sources, Trinamool Congress MLA of Dubrajpur, Mr. Naresh Bauri was also present in the protest. He stated, his protest here is not as Trinamool Congress leader but as the ex-student of Vishwa Bharati protesting against the odd behavior of the University authority which is not at all acceptable.
Will the Political Blame Game Preserve The Heritage- Vishwa Bharati?
The case is now turning into a political face-off accusing TMC to support this violence. West Bengal’s Chief Minister Mamata Bannerjee stated she has very little to do to hold on the case of vandalism as the university falls under the central authority. She also added she will not stand by the construction of the boundary wall guarding the Mela ground of Vishwa Bharati. This was created by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore with a vision to celebrate the culture and tradition of Bengal. She did express her concerned over the unlawful alarming situation prevailing in Shantiniketan threatening the security of the national heritage ‘Vishwa Bharati‘
The campus authority fired allegation on how this kind of vandalism and mob attack was carried out despite two police stations being in close proximity. Even the historical structure of Vishwa Bharati was demolished along with the destruction of the construction materials. Siting this level of vandalism and destruction of the university property that worth around 7 lakhs, the authorities decided to shut the campus off until the situation becomes normal. They came out saying many of the university staff are being threatened with dreadful outcomes. With this alarming situation in Vishwa Bharati, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also been notified, who is also the Hon’ble Chancellor of the university to look into the matter with priority. Considering the safety of their students and staff the university will remain close indefinitely until things get sorted. University has also demanded compensation for the loss incurred and charged to take necessary action against the rioters. Birbhum police have so far been able to arrest 8 culprits as per the investigation.
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