Made in China toys are reported to have harmful chemicals. The shipments that arrived from China have been stopped at the American Check Post preventing them to enter the country.
Authorities recently seized about seven boxes of toys in the port. The reason for this detection of dangerous chemicals in toys!
U.S. officials have identified traces of dangerous chemicals in toys from China. Hence the Made in China toys that came in the ship were seized by the American customs officials. It also seems to contain Chinese-made toys, such as the famous Lagori which are very famous in India.

A joint inspection by the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) and CBP officials on July 16 identified the toys containing hazardous chemicals.
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Doctors say some toys are coated with lead, cadmium and barium, which could pose a threat to children’s lives. In addition, traces of these chemicals were confirmed in some of the toys that arrived by ship from China on August 24. It is a benefit to seize Chinese toys that arrived in the United States on October 4.

On the other hand, US Customs, and Border Protection (CPB) is on high alert in the wake of the holiday shopping season. It also warns people to be careful about their toys when shopping online. This effect is likely to have a huge negative impact on the toy trade in China.
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