Since 2019 the world is fighting with coronavirus, one of the toughest and most complex situations the world has probably ever faced since the covid-19 pandemic; the virus is mutating every day, challenging the medical world. No vaccine and no treatment are able to curb the virus; it is becoming strong and dangerous, taking the lives of thousands every day all around the world.
Recently a new virus surfaced, the Zika virus, which was found in more than ten people in our neighboring state Kerala; now, another latest rare monkeypox virus case was discovered in the United States.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Friday that it was the first time in nearly two decades that a person had been diagnosed with monkeypox in Texas, USA.
The victim, an American resident, said he went to Nigeria a few days ago and returned. He is currently being treated at a hospital in Dallas, Texas. It focused on passengers on two flights between Lagos, Nigeria, Atlanta, and Dallas, among others, on suspicion of having links with the patient.

Government officials, meanwhile, said there was no need to worry about monkeypox, which is thought to be a smallpox virus and would not pose a major threat to the general public.
The CDC revealed that despite the risk of transmission from one person to another due to droplets, the monkeypox might not spread widely as people are wearing facemasks mandatorily. The virus first infected 47 people in the United States in 2003.
The virus is spread by domestic dogs and imported African rats in the Midwest. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the monkeypox virus is a rare viral disease that is endemic to remote areas of West Africa.
At the initial stage, the flu has symptoms of swelling in the lymph nodes and a severe rash on the body. Symptoms last from two to four weeks. Current statistics show that monkeypox is deadly in just one percent of people.
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