The coronavirus, which first erupted in Wuhan in December 2019, had spread the whole world. Two years have passed, the end of the epidemic is still uncertain. With the availability of vaccines, the nations of the world are ready to coexist with the corona. Recently the corona was booming again in China. Many positive cases have been on the rise in China over the past few days. On Sunday, China announced 3,400 new cases, more than a thousand positive cases were registered in various cities, and also lockdown was imposed with strict restrictions.
Cities with more number of cases in China.

Authorities in Shenzhen, known as the tech hub in Southern China, were alerted to a positive turnout of 66 people in a single day. With a population of 1 crore 75 lakh in Shenzhen, pressure has been created among the authorities and issued emergency orders restricting the people to their homes. Huawei and Tencent are headquartered in Shenzhen, the people were ordered not to leave the city unless necessary.
Also, new cases are looming large in the northeastern city of Changchun. The city has imposed a lockdown since Friday and is enforcing stricter sanctions. Authorities say the virus is spreading rapidly with a new variant in Changchun, which has a population of 90 million. The locals in Changchun advised that no one should come out of their houses, only if any emergency.
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Authorities have ordered everyone in Changchun to undergo three mandatory corona confirmation tests only once every two days. Non-emergency services, businesses, and public transport links were also closed.
Meanwhile, officials said the Omicron and Delta variants continue to spread in 19 states. Restrictions held in Yucheong, Shandong province, and also entry into residential areas in Beijing was restricted. The Chinese government has taken strict measures to curb the spread of corona. The majority of cases were reported in Guangdong, Jilin, and Shandong provinces, also corona cases are on the rise in China’s special administrative region ‘Hong Kong’. A large number of students at the Jilin Agricultural University of Agricultural Science and Technology were affected by the corona.
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