Omicron Scares New Year Celebrations

All around the world, Omicron is acting as an active threat to new year celebrations and excitements. Every year people wish each other a new year and celebrate the welcoming of the new year by inviting friends, relatives, and people from all over the globe.  But this year, due toContinue Reading

The Serum Institute of India had an extremely mournful day. The Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing Institute- Serum Institute of India faced a huge fire breakout in Pune, triggered by some electrical circuit at some point. Out of nine rescued people, five of them lost their lives in the incident. The oxford-AstraZenecaContinue Reading

Corona Vaccine

Coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, a city in Hubei province of china in December 2019 since then the virus has taken over the world with its global pandemic. Forcing the whole world to go into inevitable lockdown. As of today, there are 88 million active cases in the worldContinue Reading