Imperial College London, Edinburgh varsity survey revealed that the newly detected and dominant variant Omicron is less deadly than the Delta variant of the Corona Virus. The survey also revealed that the Omicron has less potential to hospitalize an infected individual.
In a recent finding from two separate studies, It is very evident that the omicron variant is less severe than the Corona variant, with fewer hospitalizations and oxygen support.

These studies were entirely compiled and published by the Imperial College London and the University of Edinburgh that includes an in-depth data collection from the infected patients and covid hospitals.
As per the new findings of the Imperial College survey and studies, People who were infected with Omicron are 40-45 percent less likely to stay in the hospital when compared to the hospitalizations of the delta variant.
But the survey has also warned that those individuals who are still unvaccinated are at a higher risk of infection and hospitalization. With data suggesting that the hospitalization was higher among the unvaccinated patients.
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The studies also state that the individuals who were previously been infected were less likely to get hospitalized due to the omicron infection. Neil Ferguson, one of the creators of the report, said that the higher transmission rates of Omicron could increase the pressure on the already burdened and stressed health system.
To conduct this high-level study around 56 thousand omicron variants and 2.69 lakh delta cases were examined and studied. The University of Edinburgh report in conclusion states that the cumulative effect of the dominating Omicron is less than that of the deadly Delta variant.
As per Health experts, the results of the survey are positive that provide a sigh of relief but the new dominating Omicron variant shouldn’t be taken lightly.
As a prompt action to the rising threat of Omicron, Britain has already imposed restrictions on the manner of celebrating the festivities as more and more new Omicron variant cases are being reported on a daily basis.
Also Read: Omicron Variant Responsible for 73% of Covid Cases in the United States