All of us have been laid back a bit since the pandemic; most of the people who used to hit the gym were enthusiastic about shifting the workout to home, but gradually it all faded, and working from home and learning from home hasn’t left any of us happy either because things have been more stressful than it has been before.
This might be affecting our mental as well as our physical health without our knowledge; we have shifted to comfort food and OTT platforms instead of exercising and reading books.
So if you are one of those who are trying to get back on track, but are struggling, here is a Self Improvement checklist for you to gradually move from a toxic to a nontoxic lifestyle.

The foremost important aspect to take care of is your health; if you have been neglecting to eat properly and exercise, you might have to think twice before grabbing the soda or another piece of cake.
Plan Meals: Set a health goal of how much weight you want to lose or gain and plan your meals beforehand.
Take small steps; first, get rid of your sugars (sugars do not only refer to actual sugar but to those chocolates, cookies, sodas, candies that you consume every day) add healthy food to your pantry like broccoli, brown rice, oats, muesli, eggs, fruits and others that will help you maintain a healthy and lite diet. And say no to fried food- French fries, chips, fried chicken fish, and everything that is fried is only feeding your fat.
Exercise: Don’t go more than three days without exercising; it will start diminishing your body from being active.
Start with a 10-minute walk and then cardio and build the time every day, adding exercises to your routine workout at least 1 hour a day; this will relieve your stress, help you feel fresh, boost your energy and get you fit.
Sleep Well: Do get enough sleep; lack of sleep is the most common reason why people fall ill. Work pressure and other things can keep you up all night. Surveys say that 60% of people don’t get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep, and some even sleep 2 or 3 hours max every day and then rely on caffeine to wake up the next day, which will become another harmful addiction to your health.
So, no matter what, get at least 5 to 8 hours of sleep every day; it will help you function better, and your day will be much productive than sleepless nights.

Vitamin-M is a necessity to survive in this expensive world, so you have to keep track of your finances.
Spend Less: Do not make impulsive purchases; spend less as possible because if you buy things that are not necessary, you will soon have to sell things that are necessary. So be careful with your spendings.
Keep Emergency Fund: You don’t know what the coming days hold for you; it can get rainy, so learn to create an emergency fund for yourself, so you are ready even for hard days.
Learn To Invest: Savings account is not going to save you in retirement; learn to invest from a young age so by the time you are in your 50s, you will have a huge financial corpse and you can easily buy a place in some far away peaceful place like Galapagos and live calmly without any worry.
Make Some Extra Cash: There are many online sources to make money easily these days; you can take up surveys and get coupons or money to your e-wallets. You also get paid to test and reviews products, books, and services. Become a freelance writer or start a small online business or start an online course.
If you have potential, you can find many ways to earn.

Having a successful career is very important, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to go out of the way and start something that you are very passionate about.
Do What Makes You Happy: life is too short to sit in a cubical and do something that you are not even interested in it; if you don’t like what you are doing, quit it don’t be hard on yourself.
If you feel like going back to school, to learn something new to start afresh, go ahead, ’cause we all got one life, and we got to make it worthwhile.
Find your passion, don’t give up, wake up every day and work on something it and one day, when you look back, you will never regret it.
Read: Find books that can help you advance your career, there is no best friend like a book, and there is nothing you cannot learn from books. So, try to get your hands on some good career guidance books that will help you escalate your career.
Focus On Skills: One skill is not going to fetch you anything in this super-competitive world, so focus on building your skills. Look out for skills that are in high demand; such skills will get you high-paid salaries and projects.
Find A Mentor: Finding a person who has very good experience in a specific industry can be very crucial for you; they can guide you and direct you in the right direction to take off your career.