Recently a video of alleged Rs.500 ‘fake’ news went viral and was circulated among the masses. Thereby inciting speculations and concerns among traders and other stakeholders. Currency-related fake content including videos, articles, threads, etc is not new for social media circulation.
From content relating to the cancellation of the notes, the fake articles on WhatsApp and Facebook in Corona Time also went viral. Such a fake campaign was recently run in social media that was targeted towards the legitimacy of the 500 Rs. Note that is in circulation.

The fake video was dedicated to proving the latest 500 Rs. Note as fake. The video stated that a green lightning bolt (security thread) on the five hundred rupee note is too close to the Mahatma Gandhi statue then that note is fake and if the security thread is close to the RBI governor’s signature then such five hundred rupees note is genuine and true.
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This fake video about the five hundred rupees note went wildly viral on all major social media platforms including WhatsApp and Facebook. Along with the security thread fake video, other campaigns of fake videos with random topics that have been supported by RBI order were also circulated on social media were completely fake and misleading.
Such fake and malicious campaigns have raised concerns and speculations among the general public, especially in northern India. After a detailed and accurate FactCheck on the above said five hundred currency green stripe video.

It is made very clear that the videos were completely fake and misleading. The PIB also clarified that both the five hundred rupees notes were valid. This fake video row was finally put to an end by the Press Information Bureau by posting a fake alert post on Twitter which included the actual fake video.
The Press Information Bureau (PIB) is a website run by the National Informatics Center. Raises awareness among the people with factual matters.
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