In a strong and befitting reply to all the rumors of their divorce, Priyanka Chopra & Nick Jonas shared a picture of them being together thereby ending all the rumors and speculations around their relationship. For the past 4 days, the rumors were fueled by various sources that had raised concerns about the couple’s relationship status.
From friends to celebrity counterparts to couple fans globally everyone was worried about the couple’s relationship status with rumors of a potential split looming around. The rumor row began with Priyanka Chopra dropping her surname Nick Jonas from her social media handles. With the surname dropped the rumors gained momentum to an extent where Priyanka Chopra’s mother Madhu Chopra had to step in to give clarification on the rumors.
With the recent divorce announcements of celebrity couples including Camilla Cabello-Shawn Mendes and Samantha-Naga Chaitanya. Fans Globally were left with rumors and tensions around the couple’s decision about their future. Rumors such as Did she drop the surname on purpose?; With so many celebrities commenting on Priyanka Chopra’s stance, is it a sign of their break-up?
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From the point of dropping the surname, many people including celebrities were left with their heads scratching about the recent development and stance which thereby led to more rumors, doubts, and questions about the couple’s relationship status and future course. For the past 3 days, never-ending rumors of the celebrity couple kept coming with varying degrees of speculations, reasons, and versions of as to why the couple might split.
Divorce reasons ranged from bizarre to funny including toxic relationship, extra-marital affair, Lack of time & personal space the list of non-factual reasons kept on increasing. All this rumor row was put to an end by a united and lovely response from the couple through an Instagram close-up picture on their respective Instagram accounts.
Finally ending the baseless rumors that were poised against the couple. Nick Jonas while sharing the photo said – ‘Thanksgiving Greetings to all! Priyanka Chopra, thank you too.

Globally fans of the cute couple were relieved and rejoicing about the couple’s Instagram post and their decision to stay together and that the divorce news were all rumors with no factual correctness and logical reason.
The couple fans thanked the couple for clarifying the doubts surrounding their relationship status with a prompt and hard-hitting response. With the rumors cleared finally the couple is together. What we as individuals in diverse relationships can learn from this incident is that love, trust and commitment always triumph over all the challenges, hurdles, rumors, and doubts that come and go in one’s relationships.