Covid-19 has taken over the world rapidly in the second wave but in India, its claw has stretched way too far with the virus mutating triple time and is dangerous than that of the original strain.
India has 1,62,63,695 coronavirus cases with 3,32,921 cases adding everyday with 1,86,920 deaths. For every million 12,000 people are coming out positive.
People have been careless not wearing a mask or maintaining social distance. Crowded places have kept crowding, weddings and partying haven’t stopped which has led us here, until people take some responsibility and precautions the virus is not going to get under control.
If anyone in the family shows symptoms, take immediate measures in order to prevent it from spreading further to other household members. Isolate the person with the symptoms away from the rest of the family prior to the tests.
Whether it is a common cold, headache or sore throat simple headache might seem like a simple headache but it might pose serious threats.
Isolate the person in a room. All the members in the house along with the symptomatic person should wear a mask, double masking would be better when you are near a contacted person.
Studies have shown that wearing a double mask is highly effective to keep you safe from the virus.
Everyone should wash hands frequently and maintain a safe distance from each other. Special care should be taken especially for the elderly and those with chronic illnesses. Children should be kept as far away as possible.

Read More: CoronAlarm: Coronavirus Cases Hike
No one should go out unless it is necessary. Get the person tested as soon as possible. Do not go to crowded places or celebrations at all. Doing so will prevent most of the other family members and others from being infected, even if the person with the symptoms is diagnosed positive after the tests.
Once if confirmed that the person is infected with the coronavirus, you need to hospitalize them if they have major symptoms if not the person can receive treatment in the home but should strictly not come into contact with any household members and the members of the house should also get tested immediately.
Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in the second wave. Everyone is at risk of getting infected, especially the who are not taking any precautionary measures.

The prevalence rate of existing virus variants is 50% which is 150% higher than the original strain which originated from Wuhan and spread across the world.
So, it is important to be precautions, stay alert, and to stay home, and do not neglect the vaccine, it is essential to get vaccinated in case you contract the virus it is likely to cause less damage if you are vaccinated. The above precautions can prevent the coronavirus from spreading.
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