Blaming China for the covid-19 spread is a piece of old news. It’s been happening since the virus rapidly made home outside China. The United States also produced some documents that were said to be of China which stated that they were testing the virus and it can easily destroy the enemy’s economy and healthcare.
Apart from this, the whole world is behind WHO screaming for them to conduct a transparent investigation in Wuhan so the world will know China’s real face.
Another set of strong evidence has recently emerged on the internet. Apparently, it is reported that China was being very cautious and was conducting extensive research and doing PCR tests four months even before the world heard the name of coronavirus.
The latest report from cybersecurity research firm Internet 2.0 reveals that PCR test kits were heavily used by the dragon country. The universities and the healthcare centers have heavily ordered the PCR kits.

The US-Australian Internet company has vast experience in analyzing digital forensic and surveillance results.
On December 31, 2019, China officially informed the World Health Organization for the first time that a new virus has been found and for the first time the world heard the name of coronavirus. They mentioned the virus was rapidly spreading in their country.
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However, Internet ‘2.0’ claims that China began large-scale preparations for the covid-19 several months ago in fact it started in May.
PCR (Polymer Chain Reaction) test kits purchases increased exponentially in the second half of 2019 in Hubei Province, especially in Wuhan City.
Robinson, the company’s CO-CEO and former Australian military intelligence chief, said the report was based on details of purchases on the Chinese government’s website. China has easily dismissed these claims.

It is noteworthy, however, that China has not disclosed what diagnosis such heavily purchased kits were used for.
However, one of the co-CEOs of Internet 2.0 said that they will reveal more new things in their next report.
Besides the keywords “Cough”, “diarrhea” significantly increased on the search engine page. The CCTV camera of a Wuhan hospital showed that the place was crowded more than usual.
China’s university had spent approximately $ 8.4 million dollars on PCR kits which significantly shows that something was not right.
China has dismissed all claims and is not agreeing to any accusations. People believe that China is going to come up with new excuses. Some also believe that china never gave the true number of dead and infected people to the world and is always hiding and keeping this undercover.