300 jobs in New India Assurance Company
The New India Assurance Company Limited, a leading General Insurance Company of the Government of India, is seeking applications for the post of 300 Administrative Officer (AO). Can apply with any degree qualification. If selected, you can receive a salary of Rs. 60,000 per month in the beginning !!

Posts: Administrative Officers
► Total number of posts: 300 (Unreserved – 121, OBC – 81, SC – 46, ST – 22, EWS – 30, PWBD – 17)
► Salary: Those selected for the job will get a salary range of Rs.32795 – Rs.62315. There are other allowances and facilities. Initially, you can get a salary of up to Rs 60,000 per month in metropolitan cities.
► Eligibility: Must have passed Graduation / Post Graduation in any discipline with at least 60% marks from a recognized University. SC / ST / PWBD candidates should obtain at least 55% marks. Final year students can also apply. Must have a Certificate of Education by 30.09.2021.
► Age: Must be between 21 and 30 years of age by 01.04.2021. The maximum age limit for relaxation is three years for OBCs, five years for SC / STs, and ten years for PWBDs.
► Selection Procedure: Selection will be based on Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, Personal Interview.
Preliminary Examination: The Preliminary Examination will be conducted online in the form of an Objective for 100 marks. It consists of three sections. English Language for 30 marks, Reasoning Ability for 35 marks, and Quantitative Aptitude for 35 marks. The test time is 60 minutes. Candidates who have obtained cutoff marks in each section will be selected for the main examination. 15 times the number of posts allowed to write Main

► Main Examination: In the Main Examination, the Objective Test is conducted for 200 marks and the Descriptive Test for 30 marks. Both the tests are conducted online. The Objective type test consists of four sections. Test of Reasoning for 50 marks, Test of English Language for 50 marks, Test of General Awareness for 50 marks, and Test of Quantitative Aptitude for 50 marks. The test time is two and a half hours. Only their descriptive test papers that qualify in the Objective Test will be evaluated.
In the exam which is held for 30 marks in the descriptive method .. Letter Writing is asked for ten marks and Essay for 20 marks to test English proficiency.
Those who show talent in the Main exams are called for a personal interview.
The final selection will be based on the ‘Main’ test and the score obtained in the interview.
Important information
Application Procedure: Apply online.
Start of the application process: 01.09.2021
Last date for applications: 21.09.2021
Online Preliminary Exam: October 2021
Online Main Exam: November 2021
Website: www.newindia.co.in/portal
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