The COVID-19 pandemic took and has been taking a toll on all of us since the breakout in December 2019.
With people all around the world suffering for almost a year now.
The world of Science is facing one of the biggest challenges to find a vaccine since the COVID-19 breakdown.
Many scientists, researchers, and virology institutes around the world are all working together endlessly to find the safest and effective vaccination to protect people from getting infected further with the virus.
They have been working limitlessly studying the virus to comprehend how the virus survives, mutates, spreads, and infects mankind on a molecular basis.
How long does it generally take to develop a vaccine?
Usually, vaccine development is long and slow to proceed as it consists of a lot of study and research about the microbial virus.
Before covid vaccines took five to ten years to be completely developed. This might be the first time in history that so many vaccines were developed with a year considering the threatening future of the global pandemic.

How a Vaccine is developed?
Just like every other vaccine corona vaccine goes through a compulsory clinical trial phase for checking whether shots are safe and successful was compressed through months.
Any vaccine, as with all drugs, needs to be thoroughly tested and screened for an antigen to call on the immune response.
To ensure its safety before it is implemented in the vaccination program of a nation.
Phase 1
In order to test its efficacy, ensure it stimulates immunity response, and decide the required dose the vaccine is administered to a few volunteers around 20 to 50 members, young and healthy people. This process normally takes about a year or two but in the case of COVID-19 vaccines, it was done in the span of three months only.
Phase 2
The vaccines are given for hundreds of volunteers who are divided into age groups, such as children and adults in a randomized, twofold, to further determine their safety and ability to produce an immune response in the human body. This stage usually has several trials. Vaccines will be compared, to Phase 1 and 2 to determine the differences.
Phase 3
Phase three trials are performed on thousands of volunteers and are often administered to evaluate if the vaccine is effective against to protect people against the disease.
This phase takes place in various countries and different sites within a country to ensure vaccine performance results are extended to a wide variety of different populations.
Once the efficiency of the vaccine is determined it is introduced to the market although the monitoring will be in the process this allows scientists to keep track of the impact and safety of vaccines, as they are used by a large number of people.