The state government has given good news to the mill workers staying in the houses of the Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority (MHADA). The state government has announced that it will allow owners to sell their Mhada homes after five years. Previously, these houses were to be sold only after ten years. But, given the financial difficulties faced by the mill workers, the state government has agreed to relax the regulations to this extent because of their demands. The mill workers, their heirs, and family members are overjoyed with the government’s latest decision.

There were about 56 textile mills in Mumbai, the financial capital of the country. Until two decades ago, the city of Mumbai was bustling with mill workers. However, the textile mills were gradually closed down between 2000-2005. Thousands of workers fell on the road. The demand then came to the fore to build houses for the workers to replace the closed mills and provide them at a cheaper price. There have been many concerns to this extent. The mill workers’ unions began to put pressure on the government. The then Congress-NCP coalition government stepped down as other political parties also supported the workers’ demands. Agreed to build houses for workers in place of the mills. To this extent, it has received applications from workers and completed the vetting process. Eligible candidates were selected through lottery and houses were provided to them at affordable prices.

However, the regulations stipulate that the houses cannot be sold or rented for up to ten years. This intensified the financial difficulties of the workers. Government regulations have become unsustainable for the hopes of many poor families who want to rent higher here and lower rent elsewhere. As a result, trade unions have repeatedly brought the issue to the attention of the government. The government has agreed to rent out the houses in this order. But, when some of the workers who came home died, their family members moved to their villages. Others have children educated, married, and gone into debt. Government regulations have thwarted the hopes of those who want to sell their existing home and pay off their debts and get out of financial trouble. After not being able to sell those houses for ten years, many people who had nothing else started selling through brokers rather than gossip.
The matter went to the attention of the government but nothing could be done due to lack of adequate evidence. Workers are suffering a lot financially due to the brokerage system. In addition, the revenue due to the government through registration and stamp duty is also being slashed. Taking all these into consideration, the government allowed the houses to be sold five years later. With the government officially giving permission to sell the houses, the brokers will have to go. Official purchases and sales will also bring additional revenue into the public treasury through registration and stamping.
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