The Halloween event took place on Sunday in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Many countries around the world celebrate Halloween on October 31 every year. During this time, a man dressed as Joker from the Batman comic set hell loose in Japan.
A 29-year-old man becomes the real Batman villain during Halloween in Japan. The man who was dressed as the iconic comic villain Joker set a train on fire and started stabbing innocent people on the train with no mercy.
After boarding the train, he intimidated the passengers inside with a knife and acid bottle in his hand. Once he lit the place on fire people scattered for their lives. At first, everyone assumed it was some kind of prank or a Halloween show but when the man started approaching people with a dancing knife in his hand people became alert as he attacked a 60-year-old man with the knife.
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The passengers in the compartment were stunned by his actions. Some jumped out the window and tried to flee since the doors were all jammed. As soon as the emergency alarms went off the train stopped on the tracks and people jumped out of it without thinking about any consequences.
About 12 people are reported to have been injured by the manic Joker.
Firefighters and police arrived at the emergency stop to try to put out the blaze and assist passengers. And the man was arrested immediately.
According to reports, the man had hit rock bottom a couple of months ago. He had lost his job and his friends which had upset him way too much and he had been wanting to kill someone since June.
He stated that he wanted to kill someone so he could get a death sentence.

We have heard the random open fires and killings to be common in America but Japan has always been known as one of the low crime rate places but seeing such an incident in a closed space terrified people to the E.
In the 2019 Joker film played by Joaquin Pheonix, there is a similar scene when Joker loses his sanity and kills people on the subway after being constantly harrassed by them.

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