Cyber attacks on numerous companies have increased significantly by 29 percent in the past six months. It is not one country that is facing a threat but worldwide, companies all around the world have been attacked and struggling to keep their data safe.
Cyber attacks have been rampant in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Cybersecurity checkpoint also reports cyber-attacks in the United States and Asia-Pacific. Checkpoint reports that the number of ransomware attacks on those companies has increased by 93 percent this year.
Checkpoint released its ‘Cyber Attack Trends: 2021 Mid-Year Report’ on Thursday. As part of this report, the figure of the industries was laid out showing the cyberattacks on government agencies, the health sector, and companies in all sectors, including critical infrastructure, have increased significantly.
In the United States, cyber attacks occur an average of 17 percent 443 times a week. Cyber attacks in Europe, in particular, rose 27 percent, while Latin America grew 19 percent. Checkpoint’s report on cyberattacks in India is all the more awe-inspiring. The report states that an Indian company has been attacked an average of 1,738 times a week in the past six months.

According to Checkpoint, there have been significant cyber attacks on education, research, government, military, insurance, legal, manufacturing, and healthcare companies in India. According to Checkpoint, India is a key target for cyber attacks compared to other countries in the world for hackers.
Checkpoint said there had also been significant progress in ransomware attacks worldwide. Ransomware is responsible for stealing important information from several companies and threatening to release the data publicly if the companies do not pay all the money the hackers ask for.
This year Ransomware carried out massive cyber attacks targeting solar winds supply chains. Checkpoint says hackers will form new groups to further increase ransomware attacks. Checkpoint said in its report that ransomware attacks could be even more deadly in the future.

The United States openly held Russia and China accountable. The POTUS, Joe Biden, said that they were responsible for the attacks on the government agencies and the private companies around the country and are undergoing to take some serious measures to stop these ransomware attacks.
India is not looking in any better place at the moment considering the countrys’ companies have become the major target for the hackers; it doesn’t stop at companies; there could be a lot of users’ data that can be hacked and sold on the dark web for money.
Our country uses online payment and other online means excessively, which makes personal data such as date of birth, passwords, bank details and much more vulnerable to hackers. Earlier this year, an e-payment app that was supposed to go public had caught in the mess when some techies found out that millions of users’ data were on the dark web for sale.
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