California: We know that people with kidney problems often use artificial methods to remove impurities from the body- Dialysis. Dialysis is an extensive method used for kidney patients but it looks like the modern world is changing rapidly even in the health care sector because dialysis may become extinct in a couple of years.
Artificial kidneys are being developed by scientists at the University of California and are likely to be available soon. This hybrid kidney model is already ready with a silicon filter and live renal cells. Even the first experiments were successful.
Connected to the kidney system. This hybrid kidney is small in size that can be kept in the body. The pressure of our blood flow removes the impurities in the tooth without the need for batteries. No medication is required to keep the body from rejecting this kidney.

The University of California, Berkeley’s The Kidney Project has developed a small machine that can be held in the palm of the hand. The microscopic perforated filter is made with the help of silicone used in the manufacture of computer chips. These thin silicone filter layers are on one side. The hybrid kidney is on the other side of the bio-reactor with renal tubular cells that control the presence of water and other salts in the blood.
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There are also adequate defense arrangements to prevent the patient’s immune system from invading these cells. Scientists who have previously tested the two components separately and achieved good results have recently tested the two together in a laboratory.

This hybrid connects the kidney to the two main arteries in the body. The blood to be purified enters through a tube. The purified blood enters the body again through another artery. Diverts all waste to the bladder.
The University of California, Berkeley has already raised nearly Rs 5 crore through the ‘Kidney-X’ project to expand the efforts of scientists to make an efficient artificial kidney.