The pandemic has transformed our lives, and, this change in lifestyle has also impacted children. Thanks to the free learning apps for kids that have been very much helpful especially in this lockdown time to carry on with their learning process from home.
COVID 19 Impact On Lives of Adults
With the increasing threat of coronavirus spread worldwide, it is now only safe to be at home. People having privileges to work from home can manage with their jobs and people who need to come out of their homes for their business need to more careful. With the unlock phases on we have also slowly and steadily started with our daily work-life routine with many changes in it.
The impact of COVID 19 has all started from mid-March and life has started to live with abnormalities. Locking ourselves at home and continuing our lives just like the animals in the zoo have drained us both mentally and physically. Still, for we adults, we do understand the need of staying at home not following the normal routines and trying to manage everything possible that can let us stay safe and healthy.
But for the kids its way more difficult and complex. They have not yet completely seen and experienced the complications of the world. For them, it’s a happy place to do whatever they want to.
What about Kids? How are they coping up?
Kids are on their own battlefield. It is very difficult for younger kids to understand what’s going on all around and why they are not allowed to follow their normal routine. The age-group of 3-8 are considered best for the development of a child’s mental health. And if we hinder their normal cycle of growing up it may affect their mental growth as well.
So, as parents, it is our responsibility, even in this lockdown to make the child feel as normal as possible. Even if the kids are at home, parents need to dedicate a good amount of time towards them and keep the kid mentally and physically engaged with activities like proper interaction, playing games that involve both physical and mental engagement, reading books, and continuing with their education which is very much important.
5 Cool Free Learning Apps For Kids
Due to the threat of the spread of COVID 19 virus, all the playschools, preschools are all closed. We as parents need to find out other means of teaching and ways of learning to keep our kids in line with proper training and education.
There are many learning apps that can help your child to learn in a fun-filled way and stay updated as per his/her mental growth demands.
It is an online adventurous role-playing game for kids. This was developed by the Pearson Education Family education network. In this online game app, kids can play and learn with proper safety. Here the kids can choose there own character and explore various Islands of the game. It is a story-based game that can easily keep the kids engaged. This exploration journey includes learnings from factual history, problem-solving skills, puzzle games, quizzes, etc to reach the target of the game. This is a great help for the kids to stay occupied not just by playing but also learning.
Available on: Android, IOS, Web Browser, Microsoft Windows, Classic Mac OS, Amazon Appstore.
Age group: The target audience for this game is children in the age-group of 6-15.
Poptrica Learning App For Kid
Khan academy is a free online portal for kids to learn and grow. It was started by the American educator Salman Khan in the year 2008. Khan academy for kids is more of a fun summer camp program and guides parents and children by providing playful study materials. The study guide material consists of Circle Time youtube videos, tutorial lessons, books, worksheets, plans, and recommendations for the hands-on task. The learning activities involve reading, learning, and playing, and to make it more interesting for kids they have weekly themes like Water week, animal & nature week, music and movement week, and arts & crafts week.
Available on: Android, IOS, Amazon Appstore.
Age group: The target audience for this game is children in the age-group of 2-7.

BrainPop Junior is an educational website that offers impeccable content on a variety of topics and covers subjects like science, English, mathematics, social studies, etc. They present animated movies, learning materials, lesson plans, a library of educational games for the kids to enjoy and learn as per the current curriculum. It also helps parents and teachers to interact from time to time and also they may connect to the BrainPop team to plan and design study materials. They also offer learnings in regional languages that help young children to understand and respond better.
Available on: Android, IOS, Amazon Appstore.
Age group: The target audience for this game is children in the age-group of 2-6.
BrainPOPJr learning app for kid
MooseMath is a funfilled engaging mathematics learning app for kids. It was founded in 2008 to reshape the form of education for children. Many of us even today are scared of Maths, is it because of the subject or the way it was being introduced? In MooseMath, the team put their best effort to ensure the little kids can learn maths in a fun play mode without any frustration so that they can have a clear base about the subject. It is very intriguing for the kids as they get along with the story, which has games in the form of basic maths that they have to clear to get through the levels without skipping to reach the goal.
Available on: Android and IOS.
Age group: The target audience for this game is children in the age-group of 2-13.
MooseMath Mathematics Learning App
This is a very interesting app for all the aspiring young astronauts. Let us not deny many of us in our childhood dream of becoming astronauts looking onto the sky. NASA as the name suggest, this app is all about inspiring the kids to know more, question more, and indulge in the knowledge of the space world. They will get to learn from news, videos, games, activities, crafts, and information from past and present missions. Naturally, kids will love this new way of knowing and understanding the world of space.
Available on: Android, IOS, Amazon Appstore.
Age group: The target audience for this game is children in the age-group of 5 and above.

This is a coding learning app for young kids. As today coding is taking up the global business, and if you too want your kid to start early and get acquainted with programming and coding then this is the perfect app. Scratch Jr is an introductory programming language from MIT, that helps young kids to build the base of programming and understanding the coding language well in a fun and instinctive way. This program helps the kids to build interactive on their own by connecting to graphical programming blocks for the characters to respond as per their command.
Available on: Android, IOS, Amazon Appstore.
Age group: The target audience for this game is children in the age-group of 4 and above.

All these apps will help your child to remain in the learning process in an interesting and playful way without you being commanding ahead.
Also Read: You may also read our article on Alternative apps in India against TikTok.
Do let us know in the comments below, which learning app have you tried for your kid and how the new learning process is helping you and your kid.