The superstition that exists in the name of tradition makes men insane. The Faroe Islands began their annual whale hunt, killing in just 24 hours around 100 aquatic mammals.
Animals lived on earth before man, according to science. However, man has turned out to be the cruelest animal of all; slaughtering animals has become more fun than it was in the olden days. In the past, wildlife was hunted for food. But now, it has become more like fun and a game, a competition of who kills the most, driving the wildlife and the aquatic life to scarce.
Hunters in the Faroe Islands have skinned more than 175 whales. The incident took place on Sunday.
The killings have been known on the Faroe Islands as a “grind” or “grindadrap” for hundreds of years. It seems to help feed the people of the isolated region of the Atlantic throughout the winter in the olden days, but people on the island still claim so when only less than 20% of the people eat fish on the island.

The hunters arrived in about 20 boats, indiscriminately attacked and killed the whales with hooks, swords, and spears.
At one point, 52 pilot whales were killed off the coast, while at another, 123 whales were killed. This caused the whole coast to bleed.
According to Sea Shepherd, more than 6,500 whales and dolphins have been killed in this way over the past decade. The Sea Shepherd UK called it a barbaric act.
Sea Shepherd conservationists sent a drone. The incident came to light when it was going to an area where whales were being pulled out of the sea and slaughtered.
The drone was capturing how a boat hooked the whale and was trying to pull the struggling creature out of the sea. The drone tried to get a closer look when a gunman opened fire on the drone with a shotgun.

One of the most bizarre things captured on the drone was a newborn calf was also ripped from her dead mother’s womb during this hunting ceremony.
Children and people could be seen gathering around, taking pictures, kicking the fins, and playing with the dead whales.
Whale meat is eaten by many locals is what the people of the island have often claimed, which is more than just a lie considering there is only a very small percentage of them. Their defenders, however, argue that they could not bear to be massacred in this way.
Save the Reef reported that a massive 131 piloted whales, even though protected by the Bern Convention on Wildlife, have been mercilessly slaughtered overnight.
The animal preservation group continues to seek to ban the practice that stretches back around 1,000 years.

Roughly one hundred thousand pilot whales swam in the water near the North Atlantic Archipelago of the Faroe Islands between Norway and Iceland.
Although all hunters need a hunting license, animal rights activists often condemn the activity.
The hunt may take hours to complete, according to Sea Shepherd UK. Animals are trapped by fishermen and then blow-through blunt hooks. The pilot whales are then hauled onto the sand and sliced down their spinal cords.
Sea Shepherd ceased slaughtering and saved ‘hundreds’ of animals back in 2014.
However, the effort of the organization, which led to the passing of a local law that banned any of its ships from entering the archipelago, proved to be something like a ‘double-edged sword.’
But while the Faroese believe that tradition is both sustainable and legally regulated, activist organizations say that it is inhumane and demand that hunting is stopped.

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