Essentials to start a podcast

Essentials to start a podcast

Planning a podcast can be a great adventure, to record your views, story and sharing your knowledge with others is really exciting.

But when it comes to the technologies you want to get your hands on for recording a podcast it becomes a maze, most people who plan to do the podcast leave it in the middle road due to the snarl of technology they need to choose from.

So, today we have made a list of very essentials you need to get your podcast on board.


Essentials to start a podcast

You will have to record your podcasts and host all your raw materials, paths and edit them Somewhere.

Laptop, a laptop is a heart of the podcast studio, so, if you are thinking about starting a podcast? You definitely should have laptop that has a good processor and a lot of space for your work to get easier.

If your old computer or laptop ain’t doing the work we suggest you to buy a standard new laptop that would serve your multi-purpose agenda.


Essentials to start a podcast

The laptop’s inbuilt Microphone would not cut the chase for you.

 You have to understand that there are two types of microphones mainly- dynamic and condenser microphones.

The USB connector usually makes the dynamic microphones easier to configure and use, they are the best when you have to record multiple people together.

 Condenser microphones can record more professional sound, but they must be controlled by a mixer or audio interface.

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Essentials to start a podcast

Headphones avoid many errors and retakes. The use of headphones helps improve the production of your podcast.

 It gives you total control of the sound you can hear what’s being recorded while it happens. So, you can make flying adjustments.

You don’t want to put an hour of effort into something only to realize that there was a loud buzz the whole time or you have run into an error.

Wired Padded headphones are a must when you are recording a podcast.

Recording Software

Essentials to start a podcast

You need good recording software to turn your podcast into reality.

With the help of recording software, you can record, edit, and mix your episodes together.

We recommend using Garageband and audacity these applications turn your laptop or tablet into an entire recording studio.

Both applications offer free software versions that allow you to record live audio, modify files, change the speed of your recordings, cut and stitch and execute the podcast to a digital sound file.

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