With the ongoing situation taking the toll on our normal lives the role of digital education has emerged widely. From schools to offices from banking to trading everything is being digitized to make our lives more simple and convenient. Digital or E-learning is about educating someone remotely with the help of digital platforms to enhance knowledge. When we talk about digital learning for kids or school students it becomes a new challenging concept for both students and teachers, especially in India. In India school education has always been classroom training for students of all ages. From preschools to higher secondaries classroom teaching is how the education system in most of the places has worked.
Digital Vs Classroom Education

Schooling is not only about teaching subject matters it is behavioral and disciplinary guidance as well. We do agree digital learning or e-learning has become much more convenient especially for a situation like this where learning from home is the only option we have. Apart from the situational demand digital learning was emerging its way across the world. It has been found helpful in many ways. Also with growing technologies around the world where the world is evolving to be in the digital era why should education lag behind. The technique of education is also evolving towards digital medium and this time in a much faster way due to the pandemic.
How digital learning will be beneficial for children ?
Here are the major advantages of digital learning over classroom training.
1. Focussed learning
In a classroom, a child is accommodated with 50 other students and every child is different from one another it is very difficult for a teacher to concentrate on each of the students and track their progress. It might also be difficult for a child to pace up his or her progress in comparison with his or her other classmates. We often end up comparing students of the same class when one of them lags behind the other which is completely unfair. Digital learning on the other hand helps in focusing on learning of students individually. It allows the students to get completely involved with the learning with the fear of being in sync with the other classmates. They can completely be focused on their learning and their individual progress.
2. Flexibility to learn
Though education requires discipline and it is very important to abide by the disciplinary guidelines for proper learning. But have the flexibility of learning can be advantageous if utilized incorrectly way. The willingness to learn is the key to gain knowledge. We all are humans we do have time when our minds don’t work as per regulations. This can also happen for children as well there can be a time when their minds are not ready to study. Forcing them to do so might not be fruitful enough. And every child might have a specific time where their mind works at their best potent making them faster and smarter. E-learning gives the flexibility to choose your convenient time to study. Even many students nowadays are not just restricted to studies they also are involved with other extracurricular activities digital learning gives you the benefit to manage both sides and work well without misusing it.
3. Voicing Up
Not all students are the same, some are very much outspoken some are very timid. In every classroom, there are kids who are shy and are scared to voice up their problems or queries in from of other classmates. Digital Learning or e-learning makes it easier for these types of kids. There is no question of hesitation when you are learning from your home your own comfort place. You can voice your questions and opinions easily without the fear of being judged by others. You can post your problems or queries to get that answered by your teacher. Not just that students may group chat with their other classmates for group learning and solving issues. And also as the fear of punishment is fewer children can come up with their answers even it is wrong to participate and interact with the class.
4. Racing your pace
As said earlier not all students can be the same some, every student doesn’t have the same pace of learning. Many a time there can be a student who has missed up a class or have attended but he or she have forgotten or missed up with some notes these issues can be solved by digital learning. Sometimes it also happens the students might want to revisit the same class to better understand the learning or course. In all these cases digital learning comes up to be very much advantageous a student can anytime revisit the teachings many times as per their need. This will help them to clarify their doubts in a much better way and on their own by revisiting the teachings again and again.
5. Learning can be at anyplace anywhere
This pandemic has taught us a lot. The world went to a halt with everything resuming slowly education should also get restarted. Thanks to the digital learning technology now students can continue with their studies from their homes. This way the safety is maintained and also the education is being continued. It is not about just pandemic there are times when reaching school becomes difficult. Also, the travel journey for those who need to cover a long route to school becomes very hectic taking up time and also draining the energy of the students. All these can be saved by learning from home. Even on the holiday breaks or someone who is on leave for some purpose can continue with their studies through digital learning if they wish too only requirement is he or she need to have an electronic media and internet.
6. The vast pool of knowledge
Knowledge and learning can never be restricted to just the syllabus. Knowledge is like an ocean and can never be enough. In school, the teachings are always related to books and syllabus and teachers and students need to follow these syllabus guidelines to complete their courses. But when it comes to digital learning it provides the ocean of learning beyond the syllabus. Students can explore more and learn more as per their interest. Also, the video tutorial available for digital learning makes it interesting for the students to know and learn more beyond their syllabus. This also helps them to better understand their choices and interest.
Digital learning has become a very integral part of learning now. With passing days this will revolve more and would prove very much beneficial for the modern system of education
Also Read: You may also read our article on the best free learning apps for kids.