The UK Election Commission said on Wednesday it was launching an investigation into the misuse of election funds against British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Boris Johnson owns a plot on 11 Downing Street, the prime minister’s official residence, which underwent several renovations. The main allegation of the Election Commission is that these include funds belonging to the ruling party.
The Election Commission declared it had “basic evidence” on the matter. The Election Commission said an investigation was underway to find election funding in the renovation of the house.
The comments made by Dominique Cummings, a former election strategist to Boris Johnson on the misuse of funds, are likely to add fuel to the fire.
He wrote in a blog that there were plans at the time to raise money for the refurbishment of the Prime Minister’s house from those who wanted to fund the party. Opposition groups in Britain are angry after the news broke out.

Responding to this, the Boris Johnson team said that they were transparent on the matter and had previously disclosed the details on the flat renovation to the Election Commission.
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The Prime Minister is facing mounting pressure to declare how renovations were paid after his former advisor said there is a “secret payment” scheme for donors.
Mr. Johnson told the Members of parliament that he “personally” covered the makeover, but wasn’t going to reveal who paid the initial bills.
An annual public subsidy of £30,000 is provided to the prime minister for refurbishing his flat in Downing street every year.

According to the newspaper reports the current refurbishment of the downing street flat cost around £200,000.
The investigation commission regulating UK’s political finance will determine compliance with donation policies of the Conservative Party.
It will verify whether any expenditure on the flat renovation falls within its purview and whether it is released appropriately.
If any breach is identified the commission will impose a penalty and the complaint shall be passed to the police.
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