Networking is important regardless of your profession. Whether you are a marketer, actor, developer, or entrepreneur, it is vital to make business connections in the world.
Unlike olden days you don’t have to guy searching and pleasing people to start networking. All you have to do is sit at home and find the right platform to expand your business network. Because the more, the merrier!
Here are the top five platforms that will help you network in your business world. All you have to do is find the right person in your domain to expand your network.

Facebook has a handful of pluses and minuses in its name, but if you know the right way to use the platform, then it is your feast. Facebook gives you access to the whole world. You can make personal and business connections across the globe. There are various opportunities of using Facebook, but you also need to be careful about your privacy, and sometimes there are chances of the opposite party’s withdrawal.
Nevertheless, Facebook is a great way to kickstart you’re networking. There are many entrepreneurs who got their startups funded and also found their co-founders on this platform.
Facebook has grown tremendously over the years, and you can too along with it if you find the right connections.

LinkedIn stands on top for networking and job listing platforms. You can find thousands of jobs posting every day. Send a request to CX leaders, make new connections, learn from top leaders, change your stream. You can really put your skills and communication on the table with LinkedIn.
LinkedIn’s core idea is for business networking, and you can say almost every business listed on the platform. You can easily network with people from your domain without any hassle. Apart from networking, LinkedIn has several job opportunities from prestigious companies that you dream of working with. You can also take other training through LinkedIn Learning. The app is really a boon for professionals.
So, if you aren’t a user of the platform yet. It is high time you sign up and kick of your career.
Common Connect

Common Connect helps you connect with people based on interest, career, and geography. Virtual meetings will provide every participant with a personalized code to connect with the others in the meeting personally after the conference.
Common Connect is one of the networking apps designed to disrupt the connecting of professionals by integrating a social dimension. In your capacity as a user, you can connect with people in real-time, look for the job title or industry and strengthen ties.
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Invitly is another decent business networking app; it has fewer people than other business network applications. But it is totally worth it considering its exclusiveness because the app is a bit difficult for scammers to get their hands on, making it a legitimate app.
The purpose of the platform is to enable professional, like-minded individuals to interact with each other. Enabling ideas and feedback to be shared within the community itself. You are free to express your ideas and also receive them in the communities.
Mentoring and training services to support personal and professional development are also available on Invitly.
Invitly is a global platform; it also enables you to host meeting with the members on the platform to develop an idea or to discuss your thoughts.

GroupMe was specifically built for business users but can be used to make personal relationships.
GroupMe works similarly to a private chat room. Messages may be seen by all members of the group, allowing them to respond to information supplied to them. Personal messages are possible, although it is not the default mode of the app.
GroupMe also supports images, videos, documents, and web URLs in addition to text-based communication.
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