Covid-19 has been the biggest threat to human life. The world has suffered the wrath of the virus and still, most parts of the world are battling against the deadly virus while some countries have liberal cases and no casualties.
The world is running around the biggest vaccination drive in history. As of September, 5.59 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries according to
In the United States alone 377 million doses have been administered so far. Eight hundred thousand vaccines are being overseen every day in the United States with 39% of the population fully vaccinated.
America is the country that urged for vaccination and started its vaccination drive early and went on stressing the importance of it to the world. At first most American’s refused to get the jab weighing the pros and cons of the vaccine well mostly the cons of it but in later weeks the U.S saw tremendous change and millions of people were given their first jabs at a short interval standing out as a model to the whole world. U.S has also started getting booster shots right from their president Joe Biden and the first lady while the WHO is not encouraging the booster shot and is emphasizing its halt.
The studies have shown that life would return to normal in a few months if 75% of the people in the country are vaccinated while the hope for a normal life without the threat of virus is arising the people of the United States are stepping backward to take the vaccine.
So, what really happened to such a hopeful vaccination drive?
While 17.7 Cr Americans have taken the first dose and 53.8% have been fully vaccinated according to reports while 46.2% of people are walking around with no internal shield against the virus.
And the government is trying its best to try to get people out of the street into vaccination centers but it all seems impossible as people are adamant about getting the vaccination.
A wide argument is going on in America about the current situation of those who have not been vaccinated. Since America was the first to lead the vaccination trivial. They later came down to a halt due to the economic downturn but despite everything, non-vaxxers are rotted to their decision.
Attempts are now being made on social media to bring in regulations to make the vaccine mandatory, and to discriminate against those who do not take it.
Discrimination is evident everywhere and in everything for non-vaxxers. From travel ban and emerging key indications on air travel are already in place. cab drivers are preparing for the ride if they have a vaccination certificate.
Now the U.S planning to let people only into shopping marts and restaurants if they have been vaccinated. Hospitals, on the other hand, refuse to treat patients (including those with the coronavirus). The death toll is rising. While sympathy is being expressed on the one hand, on the other hand, some people are standing by the decisions made stating that it is the right approach during the Delta variant boom.
If vaccination was made mandatory in the workplace, millions of people would lose their job in the United States. Because no employees are ready for vaccination. Leading media outlets have recently conducted polls to find out what the actual workforce is like.
While 16 percent of the total employees are ready to be vaccinated, 35 percent are seeking exemptions. Another 42 percent say they will quit their jobs altogether if they are forced to be vaccinated. Asked what they would do if there were no exceptions, 18 percent said they would go for vaccination, while 72 percent said they would not work under any such circumstances.
The delta variant is steadily making its presence known in the United States. U.S. President Joe Biden has lashed out at those who are staying away from the vaccination at such peak time. stating their nuisance is helping the dangerous variants to the harbor. Information that key directives will be issued on Thursday in case of vaccination mandatory.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention says that only seventeen and a half billion people in the United States have already completed the full doses of vaccination. Due to the financial crisis, millions of people did not even get a single dose. In the United States, only the Pfizer-BioNTech two-dose vaccine is fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
At this juncture, it is felt that there is a need to issue permits for more vaccines and to issue the necessary permits for the production of vaccine doses as soon as possible. On the other hand, the answer to the question of how the decision on ‘vaccination is mandatory’ will have an impact on the future of coronavirus control.
If the White House announces that “vaccination is up to you” then the country might have to face the upcoming crisis.