Mental wellness is a willingness to stay positive in life. It is more about keeping your mind free from any ill thoughts. Being mentally fit means your mind is in your best interest to aid you in both physical and mental activities. Your actions create positivity impacting your physical and social wellbeing.
Tracking Your Mental Wellness
To preserve mental wellness, it is very important to maintain the balance of your mind. When we do some jogging or running we control are weight similarly we need to control our hyper emotions to maintain a healthy mind. As we do not have any weighing scale to keep a check on our mental health it is we who need to analyze and understand the balance and wellbeing of our mind. If any emotion is overpowering our other emotions and feelings for a longer time then it is a matter of concern.
First and foremost it is very important for us to understand mental wellness is equally important as our physical health. Any kind of abnormalities in our mental health is as normal as falling sick, there is no big deal in coming out and seeking help. The mind is the nucleus of our body, it has the remote to control our actions and emotions. It’s very important not to let our minds take all the control rather we need to control our mind each time it tries to overpower us.
As we do not have anything to measure our mental wellness and also no preventive medication to keep our mind on track we need to do our duty to take care of our mind to help us in return.
7 Tips To Mental Wellness

The good news is if you are reading this, that means you are ready to accept the truth and help yourself or someone who is dealing with this unwellness. The most important thing is to accept the fact that mental illness is just like any other illness and can be treated if we want to maintain our mental wellness.
Adopting a few changes in our lifestyle can help us maintain our mental and emotional wellbeing. The truth is no matter how difficult it might seem there are steps that we can adopt to help us in our journey of mental wellness.
1. Accept The Truth
We, humans, are the most versatile and efficient being on earth. But we are definitely not machines, we can have days where our mind won’t work as per the plan of actions, where our emotions might control us more and our feelings might not go by the laid situation. All these are completely okay, accept what your mind is going through, why it is not allowing you to be normal do not resist your emotions. Just accept the fact it is normal just like taking a day off when you have fever similarly you need to accept your mind might not be okay and needs rest and attention.
2. No Excuses For Exercise
When you exercise its not only your body that gets benefited, it is also your mind that is served as well. Yes, any kind of physical activity releases some kind of hormones that boost your mental health. Exercise can be in any form be it walking, jogging, gyming, cycling, dancing, sports, yoga anything that you like will help in their own way to heal your mind and soul along with your body. Exercise is also a means to break your daily schedule and do something for yourself every day. Who would not love to do something only to serve oneself? This helps in distracting you from your daily routines and makes you look to the brighter side of life which is your physical and mental wellness.
3. Good Food Good Mood
This one thing is sure to lift your mood up. Good food can make your bad day turn into a good one anytime. When you feel low it is sometimes good to grab your favorite ice cream, pastry, or chocolate anything that makes you happy. Talking about good food it is also important that we follow a healthy diet in our normal days. Healthy eating also brings a healthy attitude toward our lifestyle. Eating a nutritious meal and maintaining a balanced diet daily will make you more active both mentally and physically. Keep a check on your food habits, don’t let your mind to let you overeat anything that can lead to obesity. This is another way to check how much you can control your mind.
4. Sleep Well Dream Well
It is recommended to have at least 7 hours of proper sleep daily for every adult. Never mess with your sleep routine, this is the time when your body is at rest, to revive itself for the next day. Any discomfort at our sleep routine will get reflected the next day on our physical and mental activities. When you sleep your body goes at rest but your mind is still partially active, so make sure to read something good or listen to some soothing music before your sleep. Do not let your screentime on your mobile phones impact your sleep cycle This will help your subconscious mind to be at peace when you are asleep.
5. Social Connectivity Not On Social Media
It might sometimes feel, we are sufficient enough for ourselves and do not need anyone as we have our mobile phone and social media around. This is absolutely wrong, we are social animals we need people around in real to boost our positive self. Meeting people spending time with them is not just chatting, it is also listening to and understanding others’ perspectives. Some times it is someone else’s experiences that can help us in our life. There can be a time where you yourself might not understand the situations well you would need someone to understand your emotions feeling and guide you in your journey. Do spend time with people around you not just to help yourself but also to help others.
6. Take Break and Relax
We are so much into our daily work that our busy schedule overshadows our emotions and feelings. It is very important to realize we humans are not robots we can have days when our mind and bodies don’t want to act at all, appreciate that call and take a break. Take a break to heal your body and mind to revive yourself. Do whatever that makes you feel happy that can be anything meditation, binging on your favorite show, going for a spa routine, spending time reading books. Just make sure whatever you do that will aid solely to your happiness without any backlog. Healing your mind and soul is very much necessary to maintain a calm mind.
7. Reach Out and Find Support
If you are someone or you know someone who is struggling to balance out their mental emotions, don’t hesitate to reach out to people for help and support. When it comes to mental illness, it is still considered as social taboo to speak out, this might sound repetitive here but this is important to state- ‘Mental illness is as simple as any other illness in order to get it treated the first step is to break the mental blockage‘. Reach out and share your thoughts with people who can help and support you. Also, if you find some else dealing with such conditions do try to help them by talking to them or else take them to the professional place where they can seek help.
Every one of us is different and we do have different ways of coping up with stress. Respect everyone’s emotions do not take it lightly. Encourage people to talk about mental illness and create awareness to preserve mental wellness. Most importantly do not quit and don’t let anyone quit, help yourself help each other to maintain mental wellness and social wellbeing.
Also Read: You may also read our article on Immunity Boosting Essentials from your kitchen that will help you to maintain healthy immunity.
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