Yoga has been becoming famous day by day. More and more people are adapting yoga to achieve a healthy, balanced and peaceful life, but most also believe the myth that yoga doesn’t help in weight loss, but you need to know is if you healthy eating and a good exercise regime, you will lose weight with yoga.
Here are five yoga asanas that will help effectively in weight loss.
But remember, yoga poses don’t give you immediate results; they, in turn, work on your muscles, flexibility and improve your concentration.
Also Read: Wellness And Its Dimensions

The Cobra or Bhujangasana helps lower your abdominal fat and flatten your tummy.
This posture mainly strengthens the muscles of your abdomen and relaxes the lower back.
It might take a long way to flatten your tummy. If practiced regularly, you will see the benefits of it.

The trikonasana improves digestion and reduces the fat formed in your belly and your waist. It also improves the flow of blood circulation throughout the body.
It also creates additional muscles in the hamstrings and thighs. It Helps strengthens balance and attention.
Stand directly with your feet far apart and your hands parallel to the ground to perform this position. Turn right and try to reach your left foot with your left hand.
Maintain the posture for 10-20 seconds and repeat the other side.

Sarvangasana, also known as shoulder stand. Sarvangasana has several advantages: improving your digestion and enhancing your strength; this yoga plays a major role in weight loss.
It helps improve metabolism and keep your thyroid levels in check. Sarvangasana strengthens your upper body and abdominal muscles, and legs; it enhances your breathing system and improves your sleep.

Dhanurasana massages your abdominal organs, improving your digestion and strengthen your thighs, arms and chest.
It stretches your complete body with increased blood circulation and strengthening, toning your arms and legs muscles.
This is the best yoga asana to lose your fat and to get fit.
Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana

Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge poses yet another asana with several advantages. It is good for glutes, thyroid, and weight loss.
The Bridge position enhances the tone of muscles, digestion, and hormones. It also improves your back muscles and lowers back discomfort, helping to control hormone metabolism and contributes to the burning of fat.