Working from home used to be so tempting right!!! At least before the lockdown days work from home is all that we wished for. We never thought our wish would come true in a way like this. And now for some of us, it has been over a month we are doing our daily jobs from home. Are we still liking it???
Work From Home- Blessing in Disguise?
Not at all right!!! We now want to go to the office work there and relive the normal way of working. This is what we humans are we never value what we have we crave for the other that we think is best which might not be the case. Most of us would agree working from the office is always better than working from home. The mindset, the ambiance, the discipline everything matters when we work in a professional environment. When we carry out our work from home it is very difficult to have all these attributes on point to aid our mental state to work. While saying so, we must not oversee the fact that we are fortunate enough that in this critical situation we have the option to carry on with our work from the comfort of our home.
There are people no matter what the situation is they have to go out and perform their duty. Many professions do not have the provision to allow work from home. All the frontliners need to come out of their houses and serve the nation without thinking of their own safety. Hats off to all those fighters who are going out and doing their job so that we can safely work from home. So let’s not complain and be great full with what we have like the option to work from home is a blessing for us. The pandemic has also been worse in many cases where huge numbers of people have lost their jobs as many companies won’t have the option and facilities to make their employees work from home and carry on their business.
Balance Your Work and Home
One must not deny the fact we are fortunate enough to be continuing our work from home. We do understand work from home is also not feasible in many ways especially when it is for this long. We do need to adopt proper ways to maintain our work in a balanced way so that it doesn’t overburden us. It affects our mind and health also sometimes and in some cases, the work pressure becomes so high that it gets very difficult to balance our personal life. We will have to make sure we work from home in a way that is efficient enough that makes our efforts 100% effective and also we don’t overdo anything that would disrupt our work-life balance.
5 Tips to Make Your Work from Home Easy and More Breezy

These tips will help you to increase your productivity when working from home making it less hectic:
1. Early Birds Can Fly High
When we say work from home, the first comfort we think of is we can sleep till late. As there is no need to take the pain of getting ready and then traveling to the office we tend to feel we can utilize that time by sleeping for some more time. This is where we do the mistake late-rising will make us lazy and also our mind and body will be less active. This in turn will surely impact our entire day activity. From the very beginning of the day, our mind will go to the lazy mode and we will lack discipline in our work. No matter how much time we are saving by not taking the pain of waking up early, getting ready, and traveling to the office we should make sure we utilize the time well. Not necessarily we need to start working from early morning, we should utilize the early morning time for our personal needs like exercising, morning walks, meditation, household works like cooking, cleaning so that all these things don’t come in between our office works.
2. Move Your Body Heal Your Mind
When we work from home we save the time of traveling to the office so let’s utilize it to the fullest. Waking up early in the morning to exercise or doing any kind of physical activity will boost up our health. As we are doing work from home our movements have been restricted due to this pandemic. There is a very little physical movement that is making us unhealthy. Any form of physical activity will help to protect ourselves from the COVID-19 by building healthy immunity and this will also help us in keeping our mind active. Some of you while working from office might have complaints of not having time to exercise. So no more excuses would work now you have time to work out when you wake up early that would help both your physical and mental health.
3. Get Dressed and Decked
This might sound crazy… But, you heard it right!!! Who doesn’t love to get dressed and look good? When working from home we are always on our pajamas making us all go lazy and down as our appearance. Getting all dressed up brings positivity towards your work. Looking good gives you a feel-good vibe so use this trick to bring color to your boring work from home routine. No need to put on your blazer or pleated shirts and pants you can go easy but vibrant. Wear something colorful or trendy you like as if you will be noticed by others. This will lift your mood up and reflect your positivity and happiness towards work. Proper outfit and well-dressed looks add confidence this may also help you rock the video conferencing team meeting and spread positivity among others.
4. Time is Money Have It More Honey
One who can manage the time well is a smart player. Time management skills are very much essential no matter you are working from home or office. Managing your time in a way where you have a proper work-life balance is very much imperative. Start your work on time and complete the assigned task within time so that you can have moments for yourself and your loved ones. Never compromise on your personal time. When working from the office you had your time after returning from office similarly do not overstretch your working hours while working from home. Do not overload your entire day with work. Maintain a tracker and assign time to each of the tasks that will help you to manage your work. Do not over-commit or under commit your work. Make efficient use of your time and dedicate yourself completely to your working hour.
5. Don’t Get Grilled… Take a Chill Pill
Even you are at home it’s good to take a small interval of a coffee break. To make it more fun plan it with your co-worker to take a small break at the same interval and chat with him/her. This will make you not miss the fun part of your office. Take lunch break as allowed do not stretch it for a power nap. Another wrong notion is you cannot take a day off when you are working from home. That’s not correct if you can work from home you can take a break when you are at home. You are not a machine if you are working from home you need a break too. Take a day or two off rest and revive yourself in the long run journey.
It is understandable work from home is not so cool when we need to do it for so long. These tips can help you make your work from home life Lil bit easier. Help yourself, help others, and stay safe.
Also Read: You may also read our article on ways to protect mental wellness.